


主要用到了managers子模块,官方说明了一些用法 Managers

Managers provide a way to create data which can be shared between different processes. A manager object controls a server process which manages shared objects. Other processes can access the shared objects by using proxies.


Returns a started SyncManager object which can be used for sharing objects between processes. The returned manager object corresponds to a spawned child process and has methods which will create shared objects and return corresponding proxies.

Manager processes will be shutdown as soon as they are garbage collected or their parent process exits. The manager classes are defined in the multiprocessing.managers module:


class multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager([address[authkey]])

Create a BaseManager object.

Once created one should call start() or get_server().serve_forever() to ensure that the manager object refers to a started manager process.

address is the address on which the manager process listens for new connections. If address is None then an arbitrary one is chosen.

authkey is the authentication key which will be used to check the validity of incoming connections to the server process. If authkey is None then current_process().authkey. Otherwise authkey is used and it must be a string.


Start a subprocess to start the manager. If initializer is not None then the subprocess will call initializer(*initargs) when it starts.


Returns a Server object which represents the actual server under the control of the Manager. The Server object supports the serve_forever() method:


>>> from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
>>> manager = BaseManager(address=('', 50000), authkey='abc')
>>> server = manager.get_server()
>>> server.serve_forever()

Server additionally has an address attribute.


Connect a local manager object to a remote manager process:


>>> from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
>>> m = BaseManager(address=('', 5000), authkey='abc')
>>> m.connect()

Stop the process used by the manager. This is only available if start() has been used to start the server process.

This can be called multiple times.


A classmethod which can be used for registering a type or callable with the manager class.

typeid is a “type identifier” which is used to identify a particular type of shared object. This must be a string.

callable is a callable used for creating objects for this type identifier. If a manager instance will be created using the from_address() classmethod or if the create_method argument is False then this can be left as None.

proxytype is a subclass of BaseProxy which is used to create proxies for shared objects with this typeid. If None then a proxy class is created automatically.

exposed is used to specify a sequence of method names which proxies for this typeid should be allowed to access using BaseProxy._callmethod(). (If exposed is None then proxytype._exposed_ is used instead if it exists.) In the case where no exposed list is specified, all “public methods” of the shared object will be accessible. (Here a “public method” means any attribute which has a __call__() method and whose name does not begin with '_'.)

method_to_typeid is a mapping used to specify the return type of those exposed methods which should return a proxy. It maps method names to typeid strings. (If method_to_typeid is None thenproxytype._method_to_typeid_ is used instead if it exists.) If a method’s name is not a key of this mapping or if the mapping is None then the object returned by the method will be copied by value.

create_method determines whether a method should be created with name typeid which can be used to tell the server process to create a new shared object and return a proxy for it. By default it is True.

BaseManager instances also have one read-only property:


The address used by the manager.


这里也列举了一个简单的用法 Using a remote manager

It is possible to run a manager server on one machine and have clients use it from other machines (assuming that the firewalls involved allow it).

Running the following commands creates a server for a single shared queue which remote clients can access:


>>> from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
>>> import Queue
>>> queue = Queue.Queue()
>>> class QueueManager(BaseManager): pass
>>> QueueManager.register('get_queue', callable=lambda:queue)
>>> m = QueueManager(address=('', 50000), authkey='abracadabra')
>>> s = m.get_server()
>>> s.serve_forever()

One client can access the server as follows:


>>> from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
>>> class QueueManager(BaseManager): pass
>>> QueueManager.register('get_queue')
>>> m = QueueManager(address=('foo.bar.org', 50000), authkey='abracadabra')
>>> m.connect()
>>> queue = m.get_queue()
>>> queue.put('hello')

Another client can also use it:


>>> from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
>>> class QueueManager(BaseManager): pass
>>> QueueManager.register('get_queue')
>>> m = QueueManager(address=('foo.bar.org', 50000), authkey='abracadabra')
>>> m.connect()
>>> queue = m.get_queue()
>>> queue.get()

Local processes can also access that queue, using the code from above on the client to access it remotely:


>>> from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
>>> from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
>>> class Worker(Process):
...     def __init__(self, q):
...         self.q = q
...         super(Worker, self).__init__()
...     def run(self):
...         self.q.put('local hello')
>>> queue = Queue()
>>> w = Worker(queue)
>>> w.start()
>>> class QueueManager(BaseManager): pass
>>> QueueManager.register('get_queue', callable=lambda: queue)
>>> m = QueueManager(address=('', 50000), authkey='abracadabra')
>>> s = m.get_server()
>>> s.serve_forever()



# /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import Queue
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager

task_queue = Queue.Queue()
result_queue = Queue.Queue()

class QueueManager(BaseManager):

QueueManager.register('get_task_queue', callable=lambda: task_queue)
QueueManager.register('get_result_queue', callable=lambda: result_queue)

manager = QueueManager(address=('', 5000), authkey='lihui')
task = manager.get_task_queue()
result = manager.get_result_queue()

for i in range(10):
print 'Put: %d => worker' % i

print 'Waiting for results ...'

for i in range(10):
r = result.get(timeout=10)
print 'Get: %s <= worker' % r

print 'manager exit'


# /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time, Queue
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager

class QueueManager(BaseManager):


server_addr = ''
print 'Connect to server ', server_addr
m = QueueManager(address=(server_addr, 5000), authkey='lihui')

task = m.get_task_queue()
result = m.get_result_queue()

for i in range(10):
n = task.get(timeout=1)
print 'Get: %d <= manager' % n
r = n * n
print 'Put: %d => manager' % r
print '#' * 30
except Queue.Empty:
print 'task queue is empty'
print 'worker exit'



lihui@MacBook  ~/PycharmProjects/Helloworld/Main  python manager.py
Put: 0 => worker
Put: 1 => worker
Put: 2 => worker
Put: 3 => worker
Put: 4 => worker
Put: 5 => worker
Put: 6 => worker
Put: 7 => worker
Put: 8 => worker
Put: 9 => worker
Waiting for results ...


lihui@MacBook  ~/PycharmProjects/Helloworld/Main  python worker.py
Connect to server
Get: 0 <= manager
Put: 0 => manager
Get: 1 <= manager
Put: 1 => manager
Get: 2 <= manager
Put: 4 => manager
Get: 3 <= manager
Put: 9 => manager
Get: 4 <= manager
Put: 16 => manager
Get: 5 <= manager
Put: 25 => manager
Get: 6 <= manager
Put: 36 => manager
Get: 7 <= manager
Put: 49 => manager
Get: 8 <= manager
Put: 64 => manager
Get: 9 <= manager
Put: 81 => manager
worker exit


✘ lihui@MacBook  ~/PycharmProjects/Helloworld/Main  python manager.py
Put: 0 => worker
Put: 1 => worker
Put: 2 => worker
Put: 3 => worker
Put: 4 => worker
Put: 5 => worker
Put: 6 => worker
Put: 7 => worker
Put: 8 => worker
Put: 9 => worker
Waiting for results ...
Get: 0 <= worker
Get: 1 <= worker
Get: 4 <= worker
Get: 9 <= worker
Get: 16 <= worker
Get: 25 <= worker
Get: 36 <= worker
Get: 49 <= worker
Get: 64 <= worker
Get: 81 <= worker
manager exit









